Team Ceremonies.Scot

As a team, we are dedicated to you and to making your wedding ceremony the most wonderful start to your day of celebration.  We will work with you to ensure your wedding ceremony is right for you, your family, friends and guests – a true reflection of you as a couple.


Each of us brings our own flavour to your ceremony whilst maintaining the highest standards of quality and care for you.  With this in mind, we dedicate ourselves to conducting one ceremony each on any one day so you can be assured we are never dashing from another wedding to reach you, nor are we dashing away to fulfil another obligation.  In our experience, weddings rarely run to time and so we are happy to be with you for as long as you need us!


Likewise, as we are a team, you are assured of back-up should the worst happen and your celebrant is unable to attend as one of us will be with you as soon as is humanly possible to ensure your wedding takes place on your chosen day.


Your celebrant will liaise with you in the lead up to your day and we are always on hand for a blether to calm any last minute butterflies!


When we create a ceremony for our lovely couples we ask them for some background information about themselves.  Below is what the team had to say about themselves...

Our Team


Bryan Begg

Hi I'm Bryan, I was born in Aberdeen a few years ago and now live in rural Aberdeenshire where I love getting outdoors; walking and running in the surrounding countryside.


As well as conducting ceremonies I help manage Ceremonies.Scot - ensuring all information arrives on time so sorry, it’s my fault if anything goes astray!


I believe life is for living so we should make the best of things.  I enjoy meeting people from all walks of life, playing piano (not very well!) and I played rugby until everyone around me became bigger, faster and more talented!


I am not a morning person and the day doesn’t begin until after a coffee.  I am tolerant of most things but I really don’t like flies - sorry flies, I know you try your best and I appreciate many of you are quite beautiful, but you come with just far too many germs!


Louise McAllister

Hello, I am Louise McAllister.  I am originally from Northern Ireland and have been living in Scotland for the past thirty years or so, moving from Aviemore to Glasgow to Inverness and finally to Aberdeenshire!


In a previous incarnation I was a college lecturer; teaching English as a second language as well as drama with supported students and I am now a partner with Ceremonies.Scot. 


I’m a busy mum of two and an even busier celebrant - I love the excitement of wedding days; all the forward planning and last minute tweaks that make it so special and, of course, the thrill of the day itself!


I like random acts of kindness, beautiful shoes and dancing, travel, opera, theatre and live music in general.  Likewise, having my home full of family and friends with lots of food and blethering brings me the greatest of joys.

I dislike bias, meanness and inequality for any reason.  Also marshmallows – toasted or otherwise, I just don’t get them!  Bleuch!


Jill Law

I am Jill Law or ‘J’Law’ in character, age 30 plus shipping and handling!

I’m a proud Scot - an equal cocktail of my mum, sophistication personified and my late beloved dad, eccentric and unashamed (minus the sideburns)! I’m mum to teenage dream Cooper.


I’ve a pretty colourful career history:- A horse lover in my younger years I attained a BSc in Agriculture at Aberdeen Uni in the hopes of becoming a stud farmer...

I worked as a researcher at Granada TV...

I co-owned and managed a children’s nursery for 20 years...

I’ve worked in event planning...

I compère at ladies’ lifestyle, wedding and children’s events and exhibitions...

I factor several properties...

I’m looking to publish my first children’s book...

A ‘Jill’ of all trades!

And now I’ve found my dream job!

‘If you find a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life!’


I’m a self confessed mussels addict with a penchant for Calypso Coffees and chocolate to unwind. ‘Desserts’ is ‘stressed’ backwards after all!

I’m a quintessential girlie girl! I LOVE a theme - just ask my long suffering girl squad!

My guilty pleasures are Kenny Rogers music and Bond films. I’m a closet word nerd who does EVERYTHING in heels and a hopeless romantic!

...and I LOVE weddings!!!!


I’m allergic to ironing and parking.

I don’t do ‘straight cheese’. It IS a thing!

Least favourite response - ‘Out of Stock’


Gluten doesn’t like me! #bloat


Diane Duncan

Hey!  I’m Diane and I have lived and worked in Aberdeenshire all my life.  I live on the family farm with my husband of twenty four years and our two daughters who are itching to fly the nest.


I started off my working life in Aberdeen in the oil and gas industry until the girls came into our life and I decided to stay nearer home.  I spent their early years looking after them and also the local agricultural show.  I loved having the chance to see them growing up whilst being able to keep working from home.  Since they started school I have worked with apprentice engineers at the local college and I’m still there – the best job I’ve ever had.


I’m very much a people person.  I love catching up with friends and like to meet new folk with interesting things to talk about.  I travelled round the world in my youth, but still have a huge bucket list to conquer!

Living on the farm surrounded by animals and fresh air is the best and I love being able to grow, cook and eat our own produce.  I sing in a local choir and listen to all kinds of music whenever I can.  I also like nothing better than to curl up with a good book, a coffee and the cat on my knee with the fire roaring on a cold day.

My pet hate is poor manners, especially poor table manners.  I stand against any cruelty to animals and don’t ever feed me liquorice!


Gordon Wright

I'm a born Fifer but have lived in North East Scotland for close on half a century.

After a long career working in economic development with Aberdeen City Council, working with technology, life sclence and leisure sectors, I now work as a contractor delivering Project Management for all manner of sectors.


I have four grown up children, three of whom I've managed to encourage to leave home and head out on their own adventures.  They have left behind two dogs who provide me with hours of walking pleasure around Aberdeen, at the beach or into the Aberdeenshire countryside.


I'm a keen concert goer and now wondering how to fit the growing number of postponed gigs (due to Covid) into my schedule.


On reflection there are very few things that wind me up, but I am very fond of a wee internal grumble before deciding that there are always better things to be getting on with.


Monica Smith

Hi, I’m Monica. Born in Edinburgh a few decades ago, I have lived in Northeast Scotland for pretty much most of my life.


After a long and rewarding teaching career, I realised it was time to focus on some of my other passions in life - story writing, poetry, talking (and listening of course) – because who doesn’t enjoy a good blether!


While I don’t miss lugging home bags of marking, I do miss the young folk I mentored, as well as the fun and laughter that was always such a big part of my job. 


With two grown-up boys, I’m still a busy mum, wife to David and have recently welcomed a wonderful daughter-in-law into the mix. I love the happy chaos when everyone comes home to visit and the late-night catchups that never seem to make it out of the kitchen.


Being surrounded by a family of keep-fit fanatics, I try to show willing by making it into the gym now and again but reckon spending time out in the fresh air, whether on two feet or two wheels, does just as much for the body and soul (and doesn’t hurt as much either).


Wee independent coffee shops with good company (and great scones), Golden Retrievers, the cool side of the pillow (one of life’s small but often overlooked pleasures), and unexpected acts of kindness are just some of the many things that bring me joy!


A few things I’m not quite so keen on though, are noisy eaters (unless you’re a Golden Retriever), summer clothes that shrink over the winter months, oh and smelly cheese, especially the blue variety – surely nothing that smells this bad should ever pass your lips!


Paula Twigg

Hello, I’m Paula! Originally from the city of Edinburgh, I've found my  home in the picturesque landscape of Aberdeenshire, where I've been happily settled for the past 17 years, raising our family.


In a previous chapter of my life, I spent many wonderful years as a teacher. Each day in the classroom a new adventure, filled with enthusiastic pupils keen to learn and full of fun. Helping them grow and thrive throughout the year was always a privilege I cherished deeply. As the years flew by and ex pupils began returning as colleagues, I felt it was time to hang up the chalk and pursue other opportunities.


My life is busy, and I'm grateful for that. I’ve been married to Mike for three decades—an achievement for both of us! We have two daughters who, are now making their own way in the world, frequently returning for kitchen discos, late-night chats, and movie marathons. Our home is never quite empty, thanks to our lively cockapoo, Toby. He’s the best greeting after a long day and can always bring a smile to the grumpiest of faces. Toby and I love our long country walks, occasionally tackling the odd Corbett and Munro.


There’s so much to love in life: the quiet serenity of that first cup of coffee in the morning, the sound of deep belly laughs and ugly cries with family and friends, and the joy of a good, long walk with a bit of a climb to get your heart pumping. I fancy myself a wild swimmer, having finally mastered the art of getting into a wetsuit without breaking all my nails. Now, I just need to commit to more regular dips along the Northeast coastline—if only for the warm drink and biscuits that follow!


My world would be a better place if things left on the stairs were taken up and not walked past, kindness was viewed as a super power, and my house was self-cleaning! 


Joining the team opens a really exciting chapter for me. Having the opportunity to get to know and work with new faces, and blend my public speaking and organisational skills to play a role in couples' special days is a joy. 


So, that's me—Paula. Ready to bring a touch of fun and a lot of love to your special day with Ceremonies.Scot.

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© Bryan Begg